Crunch Craft (Pvt) Limited
We are Crunch Craft We are enthusiastic about creating a blend of technology and art to transform the real world through the virtual one. We're a tightly knit, experienced team of researchers, design
We are Crunch Craft We are enthusiastic about creating a blend of technology and art to transform the real world through the virtual one. We're a tightly knit, experienced team of researchers, designers and developers who enjoy crafting great solutions. We believe that continuous research helps us understand customers’ needs, so we can build products people truly enjoy. Our team thrives in an environment where we can work as partners with our clients. Our design approach Pragmatic By creating novel products and services, we design and build experiences that meet and anticipate business goa
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Zubair Habib住所
パキスタン54770PunjabLahorePlot 321, Block B Revenue Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Lahore, 54770
- システム開発
- その他ソフトウェア&アプリ開発
- コミュニケーションツール・アプリ
- 新製品/新技術
- デモ・実機展示あり
- 英語対応可
- サイバー攻撃 対策
- 標的型攻撃/ゼロデイ攻撃/DoS攻撃/ウィルス対策
- IT資産管理・SaaS管理
- その他情報セキュリティ関連
- 新製品/新技術
- デモ・実機展示あり
- 経理DX、経費精算システム、ERP
- グループウェア、ワークフロー、ビジネスチャット
- その他社内業務DX関連
- 新製品/新技術
- デモ・実機展示あり